Top 6 Funny Elon Musk Quotes

Top Hilarious Elon Musk Quotes

Elon Musk is one of the most influential people in the world. He’s a billionaire, an innovator, and an icon. But he’s also just a regular-ol’ guy who loves to laugh and make other people laugh—which is why we love him so much!

Here are some of our top 6 funny Elon Musk quotes that made us LOL:

Top 6 Funny Elon Musk Quotes

"The fast way is to drop thermonuclear weapons over the poles."

Elon Musk is a genius, and he’s also pretty funny. Right?

We were surprised to find out that this CEO, who has revolutionized space travel, built electric cars and solar panels, and created a brain-computer interface, also has a great sense of humor (and an even better gift for sarcasm).


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