The Best of Mother Teresa’s Quotes on Leadership

Mother Teresa was a woman of great leadership and inspiration. Mother Teresa was an inspirational figure to many people. She was born in Albania and moved to India where she started her life as a nun.

She was known for her work with the poor and the sick, often working with those who needed help most. She founded the Missionaries of Charity order, which still continues to help people around the world today.

Her quotes about leadership are some of the most inspiring and memorable.

The Best of Mother Teresa’s Quotes on Leadership

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

She is an example of one of the most important leadership traits: selflessness. Mother Teresa’s leadership was characterized by her dedication to serving others, especially the poor. She was also known for her humility and compassion.

She believed that if people did not share their lives with others, they would be missing out on the greatest reward one could receive: to love and be loved.


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