Walt Disney Quotes About Love

Love is one of the most basic human emotions and a frequent subject of popular art. Everyone loves to hear something about love and happiness, which motivates them to start their relationships. Here are some of our favorite Walt Disney quotes about love. These famous quotes can help us all see that love is in everything we see and do, even when it may not seem so!

Walt Disney Quotes About Love


Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.

Walt Disney had a tremendous amount of love not only for his family and friends but for everyone. He knew how to express it, and he used his art which was, filmmaking, as a way to let everyone know about this wondrous feeling. We hope you chose some quotes about love from Walt Disney as your favorite quote for today. Also, check these amazing quotes by Andrey Hepburn on love.

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